Posting for Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday Classwork:
- Narrative Writing Process: Plan - workbook page 98 in the Testing Our Limits workbook
- Narrative Writing Process: Organize with StudySync video and workbook p. 99-10
- IXL V.1-V.5 due Thursday
- Review for the IXL Quiz tomorrow (Thursday). The Quiz will cover these skills from the last month:
- Making Inferences - G.2, G.3
- Sensory Details - F.1
- Nouns - Plurals and Possessives (FF.6, FF.7, FF.8)
- Greek and Latin Roots (V.1 - V.5)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India - Section 2 in online text with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/13): IXL V.1-V.5 due (Greek and Latin Roots)
Thursday (3/13): IXL Quiz
Thursday (3/13): Open House/Showcase (6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/14): End of Quarter 3 (Minimum Day)
Monday (3/17): Quarter 4 Begins!
Monday (3/17): Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘️