Calendar Sync Instructions

How to sync Google Calendars on a computer if your teacher invited you:
  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. Find the class calendar under "Other calendars" and click on it. Clicking again will turn off the calendar.
  3. (To permanently remove old calendars, click the Down arrow Down Arrow and select "Hide this calendar from the list.") 
How to sync Google Calendars on a computer using the URL:
  1. Copy this URL: 
  2. Open Google Calendar.
  3. Find "Other calendars" on the left of screen, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.
  4. Select Add by URL
  5. Paste the URL into this field.
  6. Click Add Calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under "Other calendars." 
  7. (To permanently remove old calendars, click the Down arrow Down Arrow and select "Hide this calendar from the list.") 
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How to sync Google Calendars on your phone
  1. First, on a computer sync your Google account to the class calendar using the above steps.
  2. Open Google Calendar on your phone. (Android phones have this app automatically. For Apple phones, download from the App Store.)
  3. Sync Google Calendar to your Google account.
  4. Find your class calendar and tap it. You may need to tap the 3 lines in the upper-left corner, then scroll down & select "Show more".  (Or for some phones, click on the 3 lines, then "settings", then "show more".) Then find the calendar and tap on its box to activate.


  Note: Usually syncing occurs immediately, but it might take up to 12 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar.

For more help or for apps other than Google Calendar: